Artist Books
FASCINATION, one of a kind artist book in collaboration with the South Korean poet Ko Un, Gervais Jassaud, France, 2014
Pages from FASCINATION, one of a kind artist book in collaboration with the South Korean poet Ko Un, Gervais Jassaud, France, 2014. Review here.
Just Painting, click here to view. BravinLee Artist Book Program, 2011.
Sketchbooks 2012-2017, collaged watercolor on paper, 6 in x 18 in
Fascimile of Sketchbook 1993-1995, deluxe and regular editions,
published by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1997.
A selection of Affiches Books, Mallorca 1988.
Affiches Books 4, (front cover on left, back cover on right), found layered posters torn into books, size variable, 1988.
Affiches Books 3, back cover, found layered posters torn into books, size variable, 1988.
Affiches Books 1, (cover on left, open on right), found layered posters torn into books, size variable, 1988.
Affiches Books 1, open, found layered posters torn into books, size variable, 1988.